The Best 480 Software Landing Page Design Inspiration

Lapa Ninja is a gallery featuring the best landing page design inspiration, free books for designers and free UI kits from around the web.

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API For Human Labor
Bot for Slack
Planning made easy
Peace of mind for freelancers
Spend less time tracking and more time doing.
An easy to use visual web design app.
Chat with your customers wherever they are
The Living Document
The best way for designers to record & share user interviews.
Incredibly fast sharing
Move work forward
Let your mind explore
Unlock your phone’s hidden power
A Simple Bug Tracking & Visual Feedback Tool
We create online beauty
Digital Product Agency
Activity & Calorie Tracker
New sharing made for people
Design and publish beautiful maps
Code-Free Responsive Website Design Software
Design Fast. Manage Smarter
Happier Classrooms
A new way to start an internet business anywhere
Refining raw data into business insights
Map Your World's Data
Build Professional Websites Visually

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