The Best 32 Pattern Landing Page Design Inspiration

Lapa Ninja is a gallery featuring the best landing page design inspiration, free books for designers and free UI kits from around the web.

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Freelance Art Director
The Tesla of chicken
Interactive designer living in London
Branding & Digital Design Agency
We've designed 10+ multi-million dollar companies
Freedom to work your way
Digital Design & Front-end Development
A Book About Design Systems
Freelance creative developer
Design for AI
Bring wise ideas to light
Security Powered by Understanding
Take control of your inbox
A visual project and team management app
Handles your accounts payable automagically
A self-guided experiment
Are Your Dreams Crazy Enough?
Stop guessing
A conference by Framer on design, tools & beyond
The interview coach in your pocket
Freelance Developer
Messaging for businesses and software developers
Version control for designers


A/B Testing and Conversion Optimization Platform
Designer, author, and illustrator
Crypto Asset Investment Platform

Lapa Sponsors